Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I cannot believe the people of this country, at least a majority of voters, would elect the party that put our economy in the tank, back in control.
The Large Corporate Owned pundits are screaming “The dems are going to lose the house and the senate”. The pollsters are showing a lot of the races too close to call. The tea partiers have been co-opted by big Republican money and don’t even know it. The Supreme Court has been taken over by ultra conservatives who have taken the ruling that corporations have the same rights as human citizens, under the guise of free speech, to the ludicrous extent that has opened the flood gates for hundreds of millions of corporate dollars, including huge foreign corporate money. This decision has resulted in the largest buy of negative and untruthful campaign adds ever in this country.
There are a lot of angry people out there. I’m one of them, I am deeply disappointed with the Obama administration and the abysmal failure of the Democratic Congress to get a lot of the things done that I had hopes for.
Does this mean that I am willing to turn the government back over to the extremists who got us here in the first place just to punish the Dems? I don’t think so!! This economic collapse is the direct result of Republican fiscal policies for the last thirty years.
Should we bite off our nose to spite our face? Should the middle class vote against their economic best interest? Do we REALLY want these corporate puppets back in control?
Briefly, this is what the Republicans want to accomplish:
Privatize Social Security by putting the only retirement money we are currently guaranteed into the hands of wall street. Is this what you want?
Eliminate Medicare so that if you get sick when you’re elderly and don’t have enough money to cover you medical needs, you suffer and die. Tough bounce, it sucks to be you! One alternative is Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa could always move in with the kids and finish out.
Eliminate the minimum wage. $7.25 is way too much! I’m sure any of these politicians could get by on half that!
Destroy what’s left of the unions so we can all depend on the largess of Large Corporate America for good wages, health care and a good retirement......Right!
Keep us in a constant armed conflict somewhere in the world in order to keep the military-industrial complex financially healthy. They could care less about the incredibly brave young people they’re sending into the meat grinder.
Continue to give tax breaks to the wealthy. Letting the Bush tax cuts expire for them would have a net effect of a 3% tax hike. Gee, do do you think they can afford it?
Deregulate the banks and wall street completely. Historically, that worked well (see the Great Depression) and currently (see our current economy).
Privatize the Veterans Administration medical care. Ask a vet how they feel about that before you throw them under the bus
Whether you’re mad at the democrats or not, if you vote for a Republican, you are voting for all of the above.
It took thirty (30) years to bring us to our economic knees. Can we realistically expect the current administration to fix it in less than two years?
The Congress was designed to work by compromise, “not my way or the highway”. The Republican party of NO and of no ideas needs to be shrunk to the size of a postage stamp until they learn the art of compromise and let our government get back to work.
Do not be fooled by their rhetoric. The strategy is to eliminate the middle class completely. These people are not your old Eisenhower Republicans.
