Friday, May 18, 2012


What a joke! The Obama administration's feeble efforts to battle these horrible voter ID laws is to start a website to inform voters of their state's new rules.
I would have liked to been a fly on that wall.  Imagine the collective genius of the White House sitting around the meeting table:
Adviser  #1 "We really have to figure out a way to stop the states from enforcing these unconstitutional voter ID laws this election."
Adviser #2 "I say we file for injunctions against these laws in every state to halt their implementation until the courts determine their constitutionality."
Attorney General Holder. "Well, um, ah gee whiz guys, that really doesn't
sound tough enough.   Would we actually have to take someone to court?"
Adviser #1 "Yes we would, sir!  We'll make life real miserable for them."
 Holder. " I don't know guys, it seems awfully confrontational. Are you sure?
Adviser #2 "That's about as tough as we can get at this point, sir"
Holder gets a gleam in his eye and slaps the table. "Ive got it!  Let's start a website explaining all the new rules to these people. That'll hit the states where it really hurts.  Let 'em have it right in the old bread basket!
Adviser #1 "But sir, many seniors and poor people don't have computers.  How will they get the information?
Holder. "Come on man, this is the 21st century, everyone has a computer!
Do these idiots in the administration have a clue?  They are taking a chance on losing this election because Holder is the most confrontational averse Attorney General in the history of the country as evidenced by all the criminal charges filed to date against the Wall Street crime families.

And that's NO BULL.

Monday, May 14, 2012


For the life of me, I can’t figure out the modern day “conservative”. They appear to have lost their empathy for the less fortunate. Facts seem to be totally irrelevant if they don’t agree with their viewpoint. Many have become hateful, spiteful, angry, frightened people who are willing to support positions that are contrary to their own best interests. Like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders, some are union members voting for republicans who will turn our state into a right to work state. If the “divide and conquer” tape doesn’t convince you Walker has a hidden agenda, what will?

If Walker wins, the Wisconsin I see will have a privatized school system. We will be a right to work “for less” state. There will be no collective bargaining, private or public. Planned Parenthood will be gone. There won’t be any healthcare for the poor. Job losses will continue and we’ll give more tax breaks to the wealthy. The state will fall deeper in debt. He will sell off state assets and there will be more rampant cronyism. We will experience more pollution of our lakes and streams and less aid for towns and counties. Roads and bridges will continue to deteriorate. Effectively, there will be no DNR. We will see continued acrimony in Madison with millions of dollars coming in from outsiders trying to run our state.

Let’s not forget the real possibility of watching our Governor being perp walked down the steps of the court house. Won’t we be proud!

Do they want us to be the Mississippi of the north? Don’t buy into all the propaganda Koch money can spew on TV and mailers. They’re trying to play us all for suckers. Don’t fall for it.
