Saturday, August 18, 2012


I am amazed at the blatant, cynical and unpatriotic voter fraud taking place in this country today.  It is taking place in the states of Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to name a few.  Republican held legislatures and governors have passed voter ID laws that are defrauding voters out of their right to vote under the guise of stopping a nonexistent voter impersonation “problem”.  There has never been an arrest or conviction of this kind of “voter fraud” in the history of Pennsylvania as stipulated buy their own Attorney General. 
To make matters worse, they found a judge who is a severely intellectually challenged right wing ideologue to rule in favor of Pennsylvania’s fraudulent law last week.  It is under appeal. 

The right wing knows they can’t win this election on their policies of hatred and exclusion, their plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program where they give you a chit and send you out into the insurance marketplace to find your own healthcare, their plan to gut Social Security and Medicaid, to say nothing of their tax plans to further enrich the wealthy on the backs of the middle class.  These policies are not favored by the majority of Americans.

So they pass voter suppression laws that restrict voting hours, eliminate early voting and pass voter ID laws to literally take the vote away from citizens who have voted legally for many years.

Is this the democracy we grew up in?  We have been fighting for years and years to make it possible for every legal citizen to vote.  Are we going to let these bullies take us backward?

Rigging the vote is unconstitutional, illegal, unpatriotic if not treasonous and it is unconscionable.  This is a true definition of voter fraud. 

Don’t let these people steal our democracy.


Monday, August 6, 2012


The Republican Party has long been promoting the myth that the wealthy and big businesses are “job creators”.  Yes, they do hire people when they need to manufacture something but they don’t create the demand for it. 
I have a friend who owns a small business and I asked him “If I gave you $50,000.00 would you hire another service person?”  He said “Of course not, I wouldn’t need one.”  Then I asked him “If you had an additional $300,000.00 in sales, would you hire a new service person?”  His response was “With that amount of additional business, I would need one.”
 My friend would not hire anyone if he had additional money.  If he had additional sales, he would be compelled to.  In this case, my friend’s customers created a job by purchasing more of his products. 
This is what I call “The Universal Rule of Job Creation”. 
If someone buys an appliance, car, truck, boat, box of cereal, or any other product you choose, some company somewhere will have to produce more of these things to replace what we purchased. 
When we buy more stuff, factory production has to increase to keep up with demand.  A perfect example of this is the U.S. auto industry.  When sales were down, they were laying off.  We are now buying more cars and they are hiring.
Enough of this “job creators are the wealthy” malarkey!   We are all job creators every time we buy something.  And on the way, us job creators have enriched those wealthy corporations who have produced all the products we purchase.
I believe it was Paul Wellstone who said “If everyone is working, then everything is working."
Our system is truly “demand and supply”

