Thursday, January 7, 2010


This goes to the human condition:

I try try to work out at the Y three to four times a week. This morning, when I got to my locker, I discovered that I had no lock for it. I usually keep it locked to a ring on the outside of my gym bag. After an unsuccessful search of the bag I realized that I must have left it, with the key in it, in the door of my locker the last time I worked out. I checked at the desk and no one had turned it in.

Some no good, low down, poor excuse for a human being had stolen it. A lousy $8.00 lock and key! What don't people understand about "It's not yours"? It never fails to amaze me how cheaply some will sell their souls.

1 comment:

  1. It was me, I stole your lock. Bwahahahaha!!!

