Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Good Old Days

Right wing conservatives have a dream. Their dream is for a cheap and fearful workforce without a voice. They sigh and pine for the “good old days” when coal miners lived in company housing, bought at the company store and went to the company doctor for their healthcare, only to die physically broken and in debt to the company. How about the “good old days” in the garment industry when women worked sixty to seventy hours a week in horrible conditions and maybe got Sundays off. Ahhhhh, if only they could get back to the “good old days” when 13 year old children were forced to work sixty hours a week. They can only imagine how wonderful it must have been before OSHA came along with all those troublesome safety regulations. It was so much easier to replace a dead or maimed worker than to provide a safe workplace. Back in the “good old days” the rabble was so much easier to control when education was for only those who could afford it. If only they could send American Muslims to intern camps like they did to Japanese Americans during WW II in the “good old days”. They yearn for the “good old days” when there was no pesky internet. The right wing wants working people to be just like they were during the Great Depression...broke, sick, hungry and scared.

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