Wednesday, July 6, 2011

For My Wisconsin Friends

I think we all learned from the last election that voting counts and that not voting counts equally. I believe a lot of liberals and independents did not show up to vote last election and that is the reason we’re in the fix we currently find ourselves.
If you want to restore some sanity in Madison, please get out and vote for Shelly Moore on July 12h. This primary is every bit as important as the recall election itself. We must show the right wingers that we will not tolerate these attempts to confuse the voters with a fake candidate, who by his own admission, will not even be in the state after the primary to run a campaign.
The right wing extremists in Madison are being fairly quiet until the recalls are over. They have to slow down their radical agenda lest we be reminded of why they need some checks on them and their national puppet masters. These people don’t care about us. They do care about the Koch brothers, Karle Rove and the Koch sponsored right wing think tanks that are setting their agenda. If they prevail in these recalls it’s going to be “Katy bar the door”. You ain’t seen nothin yet!
These people are selling our state to the highest bidder. Please vote for Shelly Moore so we can start to take Wisconsin back from the out of state special interests. I don’t want to live in Fitzwalkerstan, I want my state back!
Remember, if you are a registered voter, you do NOT need state approved voter ID for this election. Anyone who tells you otherwise is misleading you.
Your vote counts more now than ever!

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