Sunday, April 15, 2012


As a species, we humans are a real piece of work. We have perpetrated violence on one another since Cain and Abel. We even have the audacity to think of ourselves as cultured and civilized while at the same time engaging in tribal warfare all over the world.
Some have managed to twist our bibles; you pick the religion, and interpret what was intended as a moral compass into justification to hate and kill. Throughout history our leaders have understood how to play us against one another in order to gain wealth and power. Nothing has changed but the sophistication of our weapons. We can now kill more people than ever with less effort than ever before.
It has become easy for those in power to influence millions overnight. They continue to play upon our fears. They continue to point out who we should hate. We continue to fall for it. How much longer are we going to remain so gullible? How much longer are we going to blindly follow these hate mongers?
Not only are we barbaric, we are intellectually lazy. If we do not search for and speak truth to the powerful, we are doomed to follow them right to the gates of whatever you envision as hell. By then it will be too late.

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