Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I cannot believe the people of this country, at least a majority of voters, would elect the party that put our economy in the tank, back in control.
The Large Corporate Owned pundits are screaming “The dems are going to lose the house and the senate”. The pollsters are showing a lot of the races too close to call. The tea partiers have been co-opted by big Republican money and don’t even know it. The Supreme Court has been taken over by ultra conservatives who have taken the ruling that corporations have the same rights as human citizens, under the guise of free speech, to the ludicrous extent that has opened the flood gates for hundreds of millions of corporate dollars, including huge foreign corporate money. This decision has resulted in the largest buy of negative and untruthful campaign adds ever in this country.
There are a lot of angry people out there. I’m one of them, I am deeply disappointed with the Obama administration and the abysmal failure of the Democratic Congress to get a lot of the things done that I had hopes for.
Does this mean that I am willing to turn the government back over to the extremists who got us here in the first place just to punish the Dems? I don’t think so!! This economic collapse is the direct result of Republican fiscal policies for the last thirty years.
Should we bite off our nose to spite our face? Should the middle class vote against their economic best interest? Do we REALLY want these corporate puppets back in control?
Briefly, this is what the Republicans want to accomplish:
Privatize Social Security by putting the only retirement money we are currently guaranteed into the hands of wall street. Is this what you want?
Eliminate Medicare so that if you get sick when you’re elderly and don’t have enough money to cover you medical needs, you suffer and die. Tough bounce, it sucks to be you! One alternative is Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa could always move in with the kids and finish out.
Eliminate the minimum wage. $7.25 is way too much! I’m sure any of these politicians could get by on half that!
Destroy what’s left of the unions so we can all depend on the largess of Large Corporate America for good wages, health care and a good retirement......Right!
Keep us in a constant armed conflict somewhere in the world in order to keep the military-industrial complex financially healthy. They could care less about the incredibly brave young people they’re sending into the meat grinder.
Continue to give tax breaks to the wealthy. Letting the Bush tax cuts expire for them would have a net effect of a 3% tax hike. Gee, do do you think they can afford it?
Deregulate the banks and wall street completely. Historically, that worked well (see the Great Depression) and currently (see our current economy).
Privatize the Veterans Administration medical care. Ask a vet how they feel about that before you throw them under the bus
Whether you’re mad at the democrats or not, if you vote for a Republican, you are voting for all of the above.
It took thirty (30) years to bring us to our economic knees. Can we realistically expect the current administration to fix it in less than two years?
The Congress was designed to work by compromise, “not my way or the highway”. The Republican party of NO and of no ideas needs to be shrunk to the size of a postage stamp until they learn the art of compromise and let our government get back to work.
Do not be fooled by their rhetoric. The strategy is to eliminate the middle class completely. These people are not your old Eisenhower Republicans.

Monday, March 1, 2010


It's been a while since I last got something off my chest so this may be a little windy but here it goes.

Do you notice any uptick in the insurance industry's anti health care reform ads? Why haven't they been blitzing the networks and cable with all sorts of future ominous results if it passes? It's not because they don't have the money. Their war chest is full. You would think the rhetoric would be at a deafening pitch. The Democrats seem to be closer than ever to passing a health care reform bill. Something just doesn't ring true here. Have the insurance companies raised enough hell to convince Americans they really are against any reform? They had me convinced. Now I wonder if it was all a grand smoke screen. Why would insurers, at this stage of the game, be attempting to raise rates on private policies anywhere from 39% to 75%? This is all over the news. What an outrage! Do these people have no sense of propriety to their own cause?! How could they be so crass at such a delicate moment? Are they stupid? Could they have worse timing?

I am suspicious that their timing is impeccable. They are definitely not stupid. What's in it for them? Why would they want health care reform? Little increased regulation for one. If the current proposal passes, insurance companies will not be able to rescind sick customers or refuse anyone insurance due to "pre-existing" conditions. That, on the face of it, would seem to be a good thing for the insured. Unfortunately, there is no cost containment language in the proposal. Sure, they will be happy to insure you but at an intentionally prohibitive rate. Breast cancer? No problem! Not until your new rates arrive in the mail. Could you afford monthly premiums twice what your house payment is? They can charge you any amount they damn well please! They will say "We didn't rescind anyone nor did we cancel any policies due to new ailments. These customers just quit paying their premiums. We were forced to cancel them. We didn't want to. Honest."

How about the 30 million people that this legislation will force to buy insurance. People who are young and/or willing to take a chance that their health will hold up for a while longer. 30 million new customers mostly young and healthy. The ideal customer! A captive clientele that won't be making any claims in the immediate future and when they do, their rates just skyrocket. If you're an insurer, why would you put up a fuss about that scenario? The perfect world! A no lose situation! The insurance industry's deafening silence belies their true intent.

The bottom line is new found prosperity for the insurance industry in a now "no risk" business and sick people will still be falling through the cracks. It is unconscionable, indefensible and near criminal!

The cure for this, and what poll after poll indicates the majority of voters want, and our politicians continue to ignore, is Medicare for all with an income based premium. If you like your current insurance, you can keep it. This is called The Public Option. It is also called COMPETITION!
And this is NO BULL.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


As expected, The Supreme Court rolled back any restrictions on corporate or union money spent on political advertising. If you think we've seen too many adds during elections now, you ain't seen nothin yet!

Justice Anthony Kennedy for the majority wrote "Because speech is an essential mechanism of democracy -- it is the means to hold officials accountable to the people -- political speech must prevail against laws that would suppress it by design or inadvertence," as quoted in The Huffington Post. Justice John Paul Stevens writes in the dissent "The conceit that corporations must be treated identically to natural persons in the political sphere is not only inaccurate but also inadequate to justify the Court's disposition of this case."

This goes back to the 1886 ruling Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company
(18 U.S.394) that gives corporations the same rights as people. Gore argues that, because of the 1886 decision, "the 'monopolies in commerce' that Jefferson had wanted to prohibit in the Bill of Rights were full-blown monsters, crushing competition from smaller businesses, bleeding farmers with extortionate shipping costs, and buying politicians at every level of government". Based on that ruling, the current Bush court construed this as a freedom of speech issue.

The Republicans are forever conjuring up visions of a "liberal Press" and "activist Judges". The most activist judge I can think of is Antonin Scalia! The next two are Roberts and Alito. I'll never forget old "Clueless" Chuck Schumer's response when asked how he could have voted for Alito. He said "We were duped!". Duped!? Who was duped? Unlike "Clueless" Chuck, I wasn't on the Judiciary committee to ask questions of this guy, yet I wasn't duped! Who's we, Chuck? You and the bug in your pocket? You rolled over and voted for these guys. Don't be so outraged when they make a decision that may well be responsible for you losing your job. These justices are not just conservative, they have an agenda. They seem to be bent on overturning any previous decisions that are not in line with the neocon philosophy.

If some of these yellow bellied, gutless, hair plugged and blow combed democratic worriers about getting re-elected, don't pass serious legislation to stymie this decision, they'll be out of work along with the rest of the country. Obama may as well turn over the presidency to Goldman Sachs, if he hasn't already.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I'll never forget my conversation with an old pipe fitter years ago. He was reminiscing about his first days in the trade. He said "When I first went to the union hall to sign up I asked the business agent where he wanted me to work. He handed me an axe handle and a length of logging chain and said 'Go down and help those guys on the picket lines.'".

On July 20, 1934 during the Minneapolis Teamster strike, which was also supported by the trade unions, two pickets were killed and sixty seven were wounded by police gunfire.

This and other incidents like it was the start of unionism in this country. People were beaten and killed, arrested and thrown in jail and martial law was declared. It was life and death serious business.

Since that day, union members have fought for and won decent wages and benefits from employers who would rather treat them like a piece of meat.

Union wages have been responsible for an over all higher wage in this country. If it weren't for the UAW the non union workers at he auto plants in the southern states would be making much less today. Why do you think Richard Shelby, Jeff Sessions, Mitch McConnell and others from non union auto producing states, were so gleeful at the prospect of the demise of the UAW.

Now, after all the years of hard fought battles, strikes and strife, why does President Obama declare war on these hard earned benefits? "Cadillac" insurance policy is just code for union insurance policy. After all the years of support the unions have given the Democrats, this is the thanks they get? The unions worked damned hard to put this guy in office. The House Democrats better dig in on this one. A tax on those earning over $500,000 sounds much more palatable.

One thing I hear from time to time from the talking heads is "Some think the insurance companies may raise their rates if there is a tax on these policies". May raise their rates? May raise their rates to cover the tax? THEY WILL UNDOUBTEDLY RAISE THEIR RATES!! ARE YOU PEOPLE LIVING ON MARS? One of the hard and fast rules of business has always been: THE CUSTOMER ALWAYS PAYS. If not the customer, who else? This sort of idiocy makes me crazy!

It's time to end this assault on the unions and require the wealthy to pay their share!


This goes to the human condition:

I try try to work out at the Y three to four times a week. This morning, when I got to my locker, I discovered that I had no lock for it. I usually keep it locked to a ring on the outside of my gym bag. After an unsuccessful search of the bag I realized that I must have left it, with the key in it, in the door of my locker the last time I worked out. I checked at the desk and no one had turned it in.

Some no good, low down, poor excuse for a human being had stolen it. A lousy $8.00 lock and key! What don't people understand about "It's not yours"? It never fails to amaze me how cheaply some will sell their souls.
